Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Ofisi ya Rais, Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa

Wakala wa Mabasi Yaendayo Haraka

"Usafiri wa Umma Nadhifu"

Maswali Yaulizwayo Mara kwa Mara


In Collaboration with the Tanzania National Roads Agency(TANROADS), DART Agency has been removing debris and sand from the Msimbazi river area to facilitate water flow as part of short -term plan to deal with the problem.Moreover, there is a long term plan being implemented by DMDP under President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) and all Dar es Salaam Municipalities to mitigate the adverse effects of floods along bridge.This project is funded by the World Bank.A team of consultants has already been engaged to find solutions to the Jangwani floods and Msimbazi Basin at large.   



In case of shortage of buses or huge demand, DART Agency collaborates with LATRA to allow daladala to operate temporily.We have seen the use of smart cards as part of automated fare collection system being used in the DART system and unfortunately it has been stopped



The bus operator deploys all the buses in the DART system during peak hours while 75% of the buses operate during off peak hours when there is a small number of travelers. The effect of floods at Jangwani made it impossible for the buses to continue parking at Jangwani. During floods, buses are normally parked to the terminals. In addition, bus drivers are guided by specific timetable set by experts either to continue operating or park for one reason or another.



Installment of an intelligent Transportation System (ITS), a system which enables technical staff working in the Control Room to track the buses in the DART system and see which station needs more buses at a time rather than guessing will assist resolving the delay problem. When the ITS is completely installed such problem will hardly happen. Shortage of buses is the problem. The number of buses during the Transitional Service Provider (TSP) is 140 compared to the actual number of 305 buses required for a full service. The Agency is in a process of procuring a bus service provider in compliance with Government procurement laws and regulations. The service provider will also increase the number of buses. However , with the number of buses available, the Agency is working closely with the TSP to ensure bus services are improved despite the challenges.



The Agency has encountered many kinds of loss due to floods at jangwani. Delayed bus service is one of the loses. Due to damage caused by floods on the buses, passangers have been facing delays at the stations which in turn affected operations. Bus operations have also been affected due to damage on the DART infrastructure. DART has suffered the cost of repairing buses, cleaning ditches and roads during floods. Another loss is the drop of daily revenue due to shortage of buses.



In collaboration with the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), DART Agency has been removing debris and sand from the Msimbazi river area to facilitate water flow as part of short term plan to deal with the problem. Moreover, there is a long term plan being implemented by DMDP under President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) and all Dar es Salaam Municipalities to mitigate the adverse effects of floods along Msimbazi river basin valley by building a large bridge. This project is funded by the World Bank. A team of consultants has already been engaged to find solutions to the Jangwani floods and Msimbazi Basin at large.



The actual decision of constructing a depot at Jangwani was concluded after the environmental impact assessment was done, and the area was recommended suitable for constructing the current depot. However, the environmental pollution due to human activities at the upper side of the Msimbazi River Basin including people building within the Valley has led the valley to loose its actual nature. Thus excessive sand and debris have affected the flow of rain waters through the valley
